Renovating a roof in the vicinity of Breda, or providing the entire roof with new roofing, involves a lot of waste. Tar-containing roofing felt and bitumen, roof gravel, adhesive material such as insulation boards, wood and other construction waste. That is a new basic product to breathe new life into. We are progressive in our circular society.
But where do you put all that so-called waste material? You can try to have the released bitumen roofing felt, gravel, wood and similar material disposed of via the municipality of Breda. In many municipalities this is not possible or it takes a very long time before you have a container at your doorstep.
Please note that in a roof waste container no asbestos or asbestos-suspected waste, hazardous waste such as oil, paint, batteries and metal may be removed. These hazardous substances are disposed of separately. This in any case saves a lot of costs and misery.
The waste stream from roof waste is processed in a very professional way, so that the "waste" can be reused in our recycling society. Ask our professional team for any further information. We are ready to answer all your questions. Through our website you will find many answers to your questions and many "in and outs".
Do you have a roofing company and want to rent a container for your jobs?
We are also in the market for the professional roofing companies around Breda to place a roof waste container. If you want to have a container placed, you can order one of our containers via our website or contact one of our employees by phone, WhatsApp or chat with one of our employees to make proper arrangements, so you don't have to worry about that. .
What is the right container for you?
We deliver our roof waste containers in the sizes 3m³, 6m³ and 10m³ content.
De prijzen van een dakafval containers zijn inclusief plaatsingskosten, afvoerkosten, milieutoeslag en inclusief 6 weken huur. Wij hanteren een all-in tarief door heel Nederland. De prijs zal hierdoor voor iedereen hetzelfde zijn ongeacht de locatie. Als de container en/of het afval niet voldoet aan de voorwaarden zullen wij extra kosten in rekening moeten brengen. De belading van de containers 3m³, 6m³ en 10m³ afzetcontainers mogen tot maximaal 20 cm. boven de rand beladen worden.